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Naffcool # 3000 DC – Emulsion Oil for Die Casting Operations

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Naffcool # 3000 DC – Emulsion Oil for Die Casting Operations

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NAFFCOOL Lt 3000DC is a water-miscible casting fluid designed for efficient lubrication and release of die-cast aluminum operations. A significant improvement of the flow of workpieces is reached due to the reduction of friction, the surface of the die-cast pieces is improved significantly, especially for difficult dies and thin-walled parts.


  • Superior cooling
  • Reduce friction and wear
  • Excellent wettability
  • Decomposes without leaving any residues
  • Improves the flow of the workpieces


Appearance of concentrate Milky White
pH 5% solution 8,5
Specific gravity at 25°C 1,1
Hard water stability Excellent
Flash point, °C None


Dilution water to concentrate ratio of 20:1 up to 100:1 depending on the alloy, weight, and formation of the produced piece.

See our Technical Data Sheet here: TDS – Naffcool # 3000 DC